what is "neuro-structural chiropractic?"
Conventional Chiropractic
Conventional or "Traditional" Chiropractic care typically has 3 goals: reducing pain, decreasing muscle spasm/tightness, and increasing range of motion. This is the most common type of Chiropractic, and many Chiropractors are very good at providing this kind of care using adjustments and other modalities such as lasers, traction tables, stimulation pads, heat packs, etc.
It falls under the umbrella category of "symptom relief."
Conventional or "Traditional" Chiropractic care typically has 3 goals: reducing pain, decreasing muscle spasm/tightness, and increasing range of motion. This is the most common type of Chiropractic, and many Chiropractors are very good at providing this kind of care using adjustments and other modalities such as lasers, traction tables, stimulation pads, heat packs, etc.
It falls under the umbrella category of "symptom relief."
"NEURO-STRUCTURAL" - Healthy Structure Means Healthy Body Function!
Think of your spine as the main foundation of a building. If the foundation is shifted or damaged in one area, what kind of SECONDARY things might you see happening around the building?
Cracks in walls and ceilings, buckling floorboards, stuck windows and doors, leaky roof, loose siding, perhaps even problems with the plumbing and electrical systems are all secondary "symptoms" that can appear. Now, you can easily patch up all those symptoms/secondary effects... but if the Primary Problem (faulty foundation) isn't addressed, what do you expect will happen again in the near future?
Think of your spine as the main foundation of a building. If the foundation is shifted or damaged in one area, what kind of SECONDARY things might you see happening around the building?
Cracks in walls and ceilings, buckling floorboards, stuck windows and doors, leaky roof, loose siding, perhaps even problems with the plumbing and electrical systems are all secondary "symptoms" that can appear. Now, you can easily patch up all those symptoms/secondary effects... but if the Primary Problem (faulty foundation) isn't addressed, what do you expect will happen again in the near future?
NeuroStructural Correction is a specific way of determining exactly where and how the structure of the spine has shifted out of balance,even to the slightest degree in the very early stages. These "Structural Shifts" in the body's foundation (spine) cause damaging interference to the precious lifeline (spinal cord and nerves) running through the spine, and are an underlying cause to many Secondary Conditions ("symptoms") that often do not appear for months or years.
NeuroStructural Chiropractic focuses on finding these primary shifts/imbalances in the spine by analyzing where your body is trying to adjust and correct itself. Corrections are given using gentle forces to the spinal muscles and joints, working with the body's own internal mechanisms rather than "manipulating" or forcing them to move. It's not the "bone crunching" session many people imagine it to be.
This, in turn, restores the body's "Internal Operational System" (brain and spinal cord) to clear and open communications once again. All the body's cells, tissues, organs, and systems can now return to normal, healthy function.
NeuroStructural Chiropractic focuses on finding these primary shifts/imbalances in the spine by analyzing where your body is trying to adjust and correct itself. Corrections are given using gentle forces to the spinal muscles and joints, working with the body's own internal mechanisms rather than "manipulating" or forcing them to move. It's not the "bone crunching" session many people imagine it to be.
This, in turn, restores the body's "Internal Operational System" (brain and spinal cord) to clear and open communications once again. All the body's cells, tissues, organs, and systems can now return to normal, healthy function.
Who Is A Candidate for NeuroStructural Chiropractic?
Quite simply, anyone who experiences undue stress on their spine... newborns from the birth process, toddlers learning to stand and walk, students playing sports and sitting in school desks all day, athletes who put LOADS of physical demands on their bodies, adults who want to function at their best... and one of the most important candidates for spinal care, pregnant mothers. Research studies have shown that prenatal Chiropractic care results in more comfortable pregnancies and deliveries, helping mothers to stay physically active throughout pregnancy, less need for analgesics, reduction in labor times, and reductions in breech fetal positions.
A full and healthy nerve supply MAKES SENSE for everyone, doesn't it?